8 Tips To Keep Your Passwords Safe

Safety concept: computer keyboard with Contoured Shield icon and word Password Security, selected focus on enter button, 3d render

Creating and maintaining a strong password system is important for all the internet users. You have to keep all your online accounts passwords safe. If you have doubts in your mind about how to form a strong password and how to keep them safe you have to read the below tips.

  1. Never leave the password lying around


If you fear forgetting your passwords and you write them down somewhere you must keep them in a safe place where no one except you have access to them.You can keep your passwords safe in an encrypted file on your personal computer or smart phone. You can store all your passwords in an online password manager.


  1. Do not use the same password for all your online accounts
    It is not recommended to use same password for all your accounts as they pose a risk of being hacked easily. If a password of one account is hacked, it is possible for all your accounts to be hacked.
    If you do not want to remember a bundle of passwords then form a base password and tack a logical modifier to each of your account, for example on Gmail, use gmailrbsk274, for facebook, use facebookrbsk274 etc. If you forgot your password and you send a request for its retrieval through email, then you have to change your password as soon as you receive it.


  1. Do not use lazy passwords
    The safety of your online accounts depends on the password you choose for it. Do not choose simple passwords such as 123 or ABC as they can be easily hacked.
    Choose long passwords that are a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. You can select letters from the favorite word you like and combine it with numbers and use it as a password. However, never use complete words as it can be guessed easily.
    If the password is hard for you to remember then write down somewhere safe.
  1. Default password should not be used
    Sometimes when you sign up for an account you will be provided with a default password, however you should not use it unless it is a hard requirement.
    Some accounts pre-configure the account with a username and a password combination. Therefore, you might not be allowed to change the username, but you can always change the password. Therefore form a new and strong password and do not share it with anyone
  1. Reset your passwords regularly
    You should make a habit to change your passwords regularly to keep them safe.
    Regularly change your passwords, for every three months or so.
    According to the security guidelines, the recommended password change is between 30-180 days.


  1. Gamers should not share their passwords
    Don't share passwords
    No gamers should reveal their password out to anyone in a game claiming to be a staff member. No staff member ever asks for your email and password, if they do then they are only scammers.


  1. Never respond to emails asking your password
    download (1)
    You should never follow a link in an email that directs you to a website that requires a login. There are no exceptions to this rule whatsoever. These emails are only phishing scams. If you think a site is legit then you have to visit the site by either typing the site address in the address bar or through a previously saved bookmark, but never type the link provided in the email.


  1. Avoid using computers at public hot spots
    Do not use your computers or smart phones at the internet cafes or other public hot spots to access a site that requires a login. These hot spots contain spyware, malware, key loggers and your accounts can be easily hacked, and you will not have a clue.