What to Do When Blogging Stops Working


I think it might have happened to all of you at some point of time that you have kept your cell phone on the desk of your room and later found that someone close to you might have moved it somewhere else. What did you do then? You spent at least 5 minutes. Searching for it here and there, searching for it hopelessly. Then you spent another couple of minutes going to the same place for double checking it. The smart thing would be asking for that thing to someone instead of searching for it here and there.


You don’t have to be angry or stressed out. Just sit back and relax for a while and take a deep breath. Probably you are going through a hard time that is why you cannot focus or maybe you are too tired and need a sleep or even some outdoor activity might help.

The thing is when you are short of ideas for your blog, don’t just be impatient. Relax for a while or give your brain some time to settle down. I think that should help. When your brain is fresh, new ideas come to your mind naturally.


What to Do When Blogging Stops Working

Here are some tips for you when Blogging stops working.



Blogging is about content

Keywords inside your articles are essential if you want to improve your rank on Google. Another important thing is that to build a large “tribe” you need to write about things that hardly anybody talks about. You need to choose a unique niche that you are most comfortable to write with.

For example: in this niche[blogging], everyone is busy in talking about writers block and where to look for ideas when you are falling short of blog posting ideas. Nobody is hardly interested to talk when you have too many ideas.
If you think that blogging is not working for you anymore then I would probably tell you that you are looking at it with a pair of wrong glasses. All you need is to enhance your skills. You have to suffer the consequences if you don’t blog somewhat different than others. Doing the same thing again and again is not cool. Just think of some new ideas and enhance the quality of your content. I am sure that it will certainly help you.


I see recurring trends and recurring question

Some bloggers think that blogging is easy and all about filling their pages with Google Adsense codes on and waiting for a big handsome check to arrive next month. No you have to understand that it’s not that simple. You need to post some good articles with unique contents to attract more traffic in order to make your blog popular. But if you only rely on the ads as source of your income it will simply not going to help your cause. Most of the bloggers just quit because they feel fear to put some effort to write the articles.

Be sure that your “Get Rich Quick” policy is simply not going to help you and this mentality will not let you to become bloggers inspiration. You can’t escape from struggle and challenges. That is a basic part of a business. If you are not ready to put your effort then please don’t complain. Whoever told you that you can earn money while slipping without putting any effort or without encountering new challenges is simply don’t have any idea on blogging. So put your effort behind your articles and see them going viral which can earn you money, a lot of money but it will take time. So keeping patience is also a key here.


Lesson Learned

If you ever feel that you blog is not that much popular or your popularity is going down, just don’t be upset or scared. It is part and parcel of this game. You probably need to play the game harder in order to gain a strong foot hold again. Put all your efforts in and see yourself finding success one more time.

Always remember, “Winners never quit, quitters never win” So always remember that there is always a room for improvement and always try to learn different aspects of blogging and you will never lose again in your blogging career.