Web Development Trends to Watch for in 2013


As with anything online, developments and trends change quickly. What’s current in web development now will be outdated by this time next year. What emerging trends can web developers keep an eye out for in 2013?


Think mobile. Mobile sites are more important now than ever as smartphones get smarter and smartphone users become more familiar with on-the-go Internet. Because, so many Internet providers are now offering wireless Internet, like Comcast.

Web developers have already experienced and seen for themselves the growth in the mobile space, but now that the immediate blitzkrieg is over, it’s all about how to improve upon mobile sites.


Web Development Trends

The biggest thing web developers need to keep in mind when tackling mobile sites is fluidity. Visitors need an approachable layout so they can navigate and respond quickly.

Another thing to keep an eye out for in 2013? Simplicity. Too many web sites are crowded and overrun with content. 2013 could be the year of the minimalist, using white space and cutting language to make a big impact without a big mess.

One way web developers are making the most of out of limited mobile space is with upright navigation. Most people are scrolling up and down on their phones anyway, so it makes sense that developers adopt that mentality when it comes to laying out the nav of their site.