13 Strategies to create and deliver a great office presentation


Every employer has to provide a presentation in their office at some point or the other and it is an important part of the job, especially if the person wants to make a good impression on their colleagues and boss. A lot of people have are not comfortable taking the stage or focus when presenting something. This is because of the stage fear or a complex that the presentation is not going to be effective. This insecurity is mainly because lots of pairs of eyes are staring squarely in your direction and you carry the pressure of being absolutely right. You can avoid this fear by preparing well for your presentation and boosting your confidence. Here is how you can create and deliver a great office presentation.

Creating the office presentation

Creating a good presentation plays an important role in delivering a good office presentation.  Here are some ways you can do it:

  1. Story construction – presentation will get boring and you will not able to capture the attention of your audience when you present scads of info without any meaning or context. So tell it with the real facts, some humor included and in a simple yet effective manner.

office-building-powerpoint-template-presentation_12. Number of slides- You must minimize the number of slides to maintain a clear message and to keep your audience interested and attentive. Minimize the number of slides, yet provide all the information you want to provide.


3. Introduction and relevance- the introduction has to be precise, to the point, down to a couple of sentences. It has to be captivating too, so that the feeling continues to the rest of your presentation. Start the talk by revealing something surprising or provide a unique perspective which will lead you into the rest of the presentation. Your presentation must be relevant, as audience will only pay attention to the ideas and stories which are immediately relevant. It has to contain the decision you want your audience to make and build your case appropriately.


4. Use the right fonts in the slides-your info in the slides should be visible and clear. You must choose the right font style, and help deliver your message to everybody in the presentation room. Do not use narrow fonts and one with fancy edges. Also the right font size is very important.



5. Keep the text and graphics simple-lengthy paragraphs and complex presentation will not grab your audience’s attention. Keep your text simple by using bullets or short sentences, without text wrapping. Try to keep your audience’s attention on listening to you instead of reading the screen. Also if you are using any graphics, then you must keep them simple as people will shut off their brains when the come across any complicated tables and drawings. You must use only simple graphics and highlight the data points which are important in bold and italics, so that they immediately grab the attention of the onlooker.


6. Keep it simple- you want your colleagues and boss to remember what you are trying to convey, not how many special effects or graphics you have used in your presentation. So just keep things simple. When you keep it short and simple, you will not hear people getting restless and complaining for spending so much time glued to their seats in a dark room with some boring statistics. Just keep it short and simple, half as long as your orginally planned to keep it.




Delivering the presentation

7. Rehearse- when you have made all the preparation for you presentation you must practice to deliver it right. You have to rehearse to be perfect on the office presentation day. With at least 2-3 rehearsals you cannot go wrong as you would have already identified your mistakes and made amends before the final presentation. You can first rehearse by yourself in your office, the next one can be with your spouse or your friend and then in front of your trusted colleagues at lunch hour. Doing this at office will help you provide the right atmosphere as you are going to finally present in the office. Finally rehearse by yourself again and prevent all the mistakes from before. Finally just relax and give your best at the final presentation.



8. Check your equipment-no matter how much of a killer presentation you have prepared, it can go wrong in a split second if your presentation equipment does not work well. So double check your equipment at least 30 minutes before the presentation. This will help you avoid any mistakes and avoid failure.


9. Be funny- be funny, as humor is the best way to ensure your audience is engaged throughout your presentation. Do not try to be a comedian, but use some well times punch lines which can make your message more memorable. But take care that if it is too formal of a presentation such as business presentations in front of your business’s very important clients, then it is best to avoid humor as it can be the kiss of death.



10. Connect with the audience- though your providing info and statistics to your audience through slides, do not just read from them, as your audience can do it themselves. If you do so, presentation will just get boring and it seems like you are insulting your colleagues’ intelligence. instead, keep your focus on your audience and not on the slides or notes. This will encourage your audience to focus on you and what message you are trying to convey.


11. Do not skip on the slides- your presentation will look disorganized if you skip on slides or when you backtrack to your previous slides, or show slides which do not belong to your presentation. If some slide does not fit your presentation then cut them off your presentation totally in advance itself.


12. Provide a questionnaire session- this is the best way to get your audience active and make them clear all the doubts in your presentation. Just provide some time at the end of your presentation for this session and let your audience freely ask questions and answer them patiently. You have to prepare yourself for the possible questions so that you provide the right answers and make yourself clear.


13. Provide a handout- this can be done after your presentation. If you want to provide some data to your audience, then put it in a separate document and distribute it after you finish talking. Do not just rely on the data you provide in the slides and expect your audience to remember.
