The Most Useful HTML5 Video Embedding Tutorials & Plugins


HTML5 brings the lots of interesting features with itself; combining with the CSS3 we have seen many stunning examples of HTML5 experiments. Responsive websites with heavy effects on web elements are some features of HTML5 designed websites, unlike flash contents which increase the processing load of websites due to heavy but rich effects on web elements. One of the notable features of HTML5 is support of video embedding. Now you don’t need any third party plugin or tool to run your video content on website. Browser support might be the topic of concern but in current time almost all popular web browsers support HTML5 and CSS3 more or less.


HTML5 Video Plugins


In this article, we tried to compile the best tutorials for embedding video into websites using HTML5 and some handy HTML5 video tools for you to make your work easy. If you’re planning to open video share site or your own blog then you should consider these useful HTML5 video tools to decrease your burden.


HTML5 Video Embedding Tutorials



Video for Everybody!

Video for Everybody is simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element, falling back to Flash automatically without the use of JavaScript or browser-sniffing.
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Video for Everybody!


HTML5 Audio and Video: What you Must Know

This article largely discusses the <video> element, as that’s sexier, but most of the markup and scripting are applicable for both types of media.
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HTML5 Audio and Video - What you Must Know


HTML5 Video by HTML5 Rocks

This tutorial will give you a basic understanding of the video tag and also show various examples of different integrations with other HTML5 features, such as <canvas>.
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HTML5 Video by HTML5 Rocks


Dive Into HTML5 – Video on the Web

HTML5 defines a standard way to embed video in a web page, using a <video> element. Support for the <video> element is still evolving, which is a polite way of saying it doesn’t work yet.
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Dive Into HTML5 – Video on the Web


Add HTML5 Video to Your Site

Embed native HTML5 video into your pages without plug-ins, and provide Flash-based fallback content for legacy browsers.
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Add HTML5 Video to Your Site


Embed Videos In Your Web Pages Using HTML5

Moving on to some theory based articles, this first post by Webmonkey talks about the challenges of browser support, formats & codecs and provding a Flash fallback when dealing with HTML5 video embedding.
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Embed Videos In Your Web Pages Using HTML5


HTML5 Video Plugins




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