How to Sell Better Online and Grow Your Web Store


Starting an e-commerce business has become very common these days. With the growth in digitalization, everyone is opening a store online but making it successful and bigger with time is the biggest challenge. Hard work is equally important as smart work. So here are some tips that will help you work smarter.

Power of Social Media

We all are well aware how much social media influences people. So make full use of it. Run social media accounts on popular websites like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube.

  • For continuous growth post consistently on your account to be on the top of your customer’s mind. The timing of the post is very important. You have to post when most of your followers are online so that it reaches out to most of them. Post at least twice on Facebook and Instagram, and 3-4 times on Twitter.
  • Make use of attention-grabbing images and videos because no one likes to read long posts.
  • Run contests and giveaways to grab more followers on your account. Like nowadays many brands are giving lucky draw gifts to their followers.

Create a dedicated post with good pictures mentioning about the contest.

Ask your followers to follow all your social media accounts. And along with that ask them to mention 2 or 3 friend’s name in the comment section.

Randomly choose 3 winners out of them.

This will increase help your account to gain more popularity and reach out to new customers. Also, the timely contests will keep them engaged to your website.

  • Instagram is the most popular social media among all of them. According to a recent study, Instagram gives brands 25% more engagement than any other social media website. Fashion influencers make full use of Instagram and Youtube to do product reviews and make money out of it.

Send free samples of the best products or the newly launched products to the famous fashion influencers. The more and more positive reviews you generate the better. Because nowadays customers look up everything online before buying. Also, try to maintain a good relationship with the fashion influencers because they will promote your products and online store if they are happy with the services.

  • Facebook Ads are also a good way of retargeting the customers who have abandoned carts and wishlisted products. It helps to gain new customers and reactivate the old customers. According to a study, Facebook ad purchased 89% more sales revenue.

Build strong email campaigns

Every e-commerce company sends emails to their customers and that goes to the junk! Your customers receive hundreds of promotional emails every day, why should they open and see yours?  You have to grab your customers attention.

  • Reminder Emails– Send emails to customers who added a product to their cart but didn’t complete the order. When they are putting the effort of adding the product to the cart then definitely they must have been interested in it. Wishlist reminder emails are similar to abandoned cart emails. For not completing the order there must be a reason, sometimes internet must have gone, or they have found somewhere else at better prices, or shortage of money, etc. For all these problems just send them a reminder email and provide them a discount coupon valid for some time. This temptation will be difficult to give up for your customers.
  • Special emails– On occasions like birthdays or anniversaries send your customers special discount emails.

There are many marketing tools present in the market to make the above processes automated. Use them to send timely emails to your customers to make them stick to your company.


Order Management

Learning how to manage orders successfully is the first step to a successful business. You don’t want to lose sales because you have understocked products. And you can’t overstock because that will also trigger losses if the products get damaged, expired or out of season.

Managing inventories and orders effectively leads to better customer services.But there will be constant inventory related issues.

For that we have numerous order management solutions. EMERGE App is one of the best orders management software out there.

It is a common solution for all the problems related to:-

  • Inventory Management
  • Product Management
  • Order Management
  • Invoicing
  • Real time sync with multiple ecommerce platforms


Having a mobile application for your online business is a necessity. According to IBM, 26% of all online sales are made from mobile devices. Build a robust mobile commerce platform with the following features:-

  • Provide various filters which the customers can use while shopping to narrow down their search according to their needs.
  • Online chat services for better customer assistance. Click to call options.
  • All the delivery status like dispatched from the warehouse, out for delivery, delivered. Also, timely refund and information should be updated in the application.
  • Provide detailed information related to the product like sizing details, fabric type.

Hi there!

We hope this post has given you new ideas to implement. Continuous growth is very important for every kind of business. For that, you need to keep on trying out new things to keep your customers happy and engaged.

We would love to hear if you have any new ideas to share on how to generate more sales and build a successful online empire.