How to Ensure Your Website Represents Your Brand


The way that you present your company to your existing and potential customers is one of the most important factors for the image that you project to the world. Being able to rely on your public face is vital and with online business rapidly taking over from physical locations, your virtual presence is as important as keeping a shop floor clean or ensuring that your window display is up to scratch.


Whilst some businesses have a clear brand message based on the specific nature of their products, if you feel that yours needs to be clearer to your target market, you need to put the work in to ensure that this is reflected on every page of your site.


How to Ensure Your Website Represents Your Brand


Update and innovate

Many businesses have a website that has been built as they have grown, featuring content from a variety of different contributors and a mixture of old and new content. Whilst it’s only natural that new information is added as it becomes relevant, this often results in an inconsistent brand message.

Ensuring that there is one person who is responsible for signing off on any new content added to the site and reviewing existing content regularly can really help to cement your message to those visiting your website. If you are unable to undertake an entire overhaul of everything on your site, you can still pinpoint the most visited pages and areas and ensure that they have a consistent voice and portray your company in the best light possible.


Use new technology

In terms of the functionality of your website, this should also reflect your aspirations and how you would like your brand to be perceived. Using outdated design, menus which are difficult to navigate or graphics which anchor the site in the past can all give the impression that your company is falling behind when it comes to innovation.

Using the best in new technology, ensuring that all the information on your site is presented in a clear and concise manner and making the most of the latest developments in design to portray your brand message will reassure customers that your brand and your products are at the cutting edge of innovation. If you want an interactive, engaging and multi-functional site, using ideas for Sharepoint branding is an excellent idea.


Give the people what they want

You can also use your website to alter your offering depending on the visitor, allowing you to project the brand message which you think will appeal the most to the individual. You can tailor your content based on where your visitors have come from, vary the featured products depending on the search terms or even just implement cookies which will remind previous visitors to your site about the products they have already viewed. This way, you can adapt your brand message to demonstrate as many facets of your organisation as you choose, appealing to a wider section of your potential customer base.