10 Skills That Every Digital Marketer Needs To Have

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Digital marketing is a growing domain that offers plentiful opportunities to people who plan to choose it as a profession. Every business today looks to build a dominant online presence as it enables them to achieve their goals. For this reason, they need to avail the services of expert digital marketers. Experts apply diverse tactics to boost ranking, bring in higher traffic, generate leads, and drive conversions for the business. Not only do they come up with the perfect marketing mix, but also work on building a branding strategy.

However, a digital marketer’s job is very challenging as marketers have to come up with the right mix of digital strategies. Also, the cut-throat competition complicates things and makes it harder to get speedy and effective results. Marketers need to have the right skill set to overcome these challenges so that they are able to bring success for the clients. Let’s check the top 10 key skills that every digital marketer should possess:

1.Ability to strategize

To begin with, right planning and strategizing is the core of a successful digital marketing campaign. Success depends on getting an optimal mix of digital techniques and putting it into action. For example, SEO is used to achieve higher Google search rankings with appropriate keywords. SMM extends the site’s social reach, content marketing drives conversion through storytelling, and PPC involves paid advertising. Every professional who wants to make a mark in this field should have the ability to plan and strategize. He should have a sound understanding of all these techniques so that he can design a strategy to guarantee optimal results within the minimum span of time.

2.Sound analytic skill

Another skill that is must-have for these professionals is the ability to analyze statistics and data and translate it into useful insights. Google offers a wide range of analytic tools to help markets understand the efficacy of the campaign. These tools give advanced analysis of key performance metrics such as traffic sources, search locations, user engagement, mobile traffic behavior, etc. For a seasoned marketer, these analytics are more than a random set of statistics, graphs and charts. In fact, they should be able to interpret them and use the insights for fine tuning the campaign for better performance.

3.In-depth understanding of Social Media 

The last decade has belonged to the social media as it has emerged as the most effective online selling channel. For this reason, an in-depth understanding of the entire social media platforms is a must-have quality for a marketing professional. They should be able to channelize channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc to boost traffic instantly. These are the best platform to reach the maximum number of audience, promote social sharing, and build the business brand. The key lies in serving the right content on the right channel at the right time.

4.Good communication skills

Someone who wants to plan a career as an expert digital marketer should possess good communication skills. These include the ability to listen, comprehend and give one’s own inputs. He should be able to understand the specific requirements of the clients and build a plan of action accordingly. At the same time, he should also have the ability to convey his perspective to the client.

5.Willingness to embrace new technologies

Another must-have digital marketing skill is the willingness to embrace new digital technologies. The digital domain is a dynamic one, with rapid and constant technological innovations making way into the industry. Adoption of these innovations is essential to stay in the race and get effective results from digital campaigns. Therefore, there is a need for marketers to stay abreast and willingly embrace these technologies.

6.Stakeholder management 

Stakeholder management is a relatively new concept in the field of marketing yet it is a much-needed skill. A typical digital campaign involves a number of stakeholders who have vested interests in the project. The main stakeholder is the business in this case.  A marketer should have the ability to identify the stakeholders and involve them in the project. Not only this, he should be able to tap their potential and have them contribute to the success of the digital campaign.

7.Team Skills

Running a digital campaign is a complex task that requires a team to implement various aspects of the campaign. The team needs to come together to design, implement, and manage the campaign. This makes it essential for the professionals to possess team skills so that they can work as a cohesive one rather than be concerned with individual interests. A collaborative approach, a pleasant personality and openness to communication are they key traits they should possess. These are the traits that professionals at StrayDigital.com have.


An online marketing professional should have the quality of farsightedness to have a successful career. With this skill, they can visualize the disruptive changes and future trends in the digital scenario. This prepares them to align themselves and tweak their strategies so that they keep getting results despite the changes.


One of the most important qualities that drive success for digital marketing professionals is that of creativity. One who is able to add his creative touch can take a campaign from the ordinary to an outstanding. Successful marketers apply creative ideas such as engaging visitors with compelling video content to make their campaign stand apart.


While all the above mentioned qualities are important, agility is perhaps one of the most significant amongst these. It refers to the capability of talking rapid action for aligning the campaigns to the changing trends. Without an agile approach, a campaign is likely to lag behind and lose steam despite best efforts.

While some of these qualities are inborn, others are to be cultivates with time. Professionals also need to ensure that they build and polish their skill set so that they can build a reputation and fetch success for their clients. Businesses looking for a digital team to design an online campaign for them should look for all these qualities in them. Professional companies make the best destination to find the right team to handle your campaign  successfully.