Establish Your Online Presence: Set up a Blog Website


The interaction between web world and real world is increasing quite rapidly as web world is providing people opportunity to perform numerous operations particularly communicating, sharing, shopping, learning and much more. Because of these aspects people are keen to have an online presence, one prominent way to do that is to establish social media profiles such as Facebook, twitter and Google+ but there is much more you can do with the web and its FREE.


Set up a Blog Website


One of the most popular and effective ways is to set up blog website, having a blog is just like having your own web space, you can have your desired web address using which people can access your website across the world. These days’ people are utilizing blog for personal as well as for professional purposes so it depends on you how you want to utilize it. The prominent aspect of blog is that it encourages user-interaction, for instance if you have posted something on your blog and looking forward towards people opinion, blog provides you comment option where user can leave their comments, suggestions anything they have to say about your post. Some people are using blog for fun but when it comes to establish a professional business blog, you need to take care of several things such as blogging platform, functionality, requirements and publishing.

Most businessmen integrate their blog along with the website so that they don’t have to bother about it later on but if you are running a business website and still don’t have a blog, you better seriously think about it. Companies having official blogs share their news, latest happening, and product information and interact with their customer, which is proven to be effective in terms of marketing and getting customer feedback. One of the most popular blogging platforms is WordPress; the reason behind this is the ease of use it provides in terms of content management. You can easily install WordPress on your hosting server, these days most hosting companies are offering one click installation feature and they configure it according to your requirements.


Establish Your Online Presence

Once the WordPress is installed and configure you are ready to roll, you can customize its theme, modify its functionality with the help of WordPress themes option. WP is offering countless themes out of which one can easily choose the desired one. In addition to that you can install customize themes as well. WordPress allow you to share text, images and videos without much effort, also it offers support for plug-ins, it has the largest developer community and there are countless plug-ins developed for several different reasons. Now if you are planning to set up business blog with WordPress, you need to choose appropriate hosting company and a server that can ensure support for WordPress applications. A business blog expect a lot of traffic and it need to be stable 24/7 that’s why smart businessmen prefer to choose virtual web hosting service as it is considered to be more stable and reliable than shared hosting.