Making Money as a Freelancer


In today’s age, earning money solely through your day job just isn’t enough! For some, it pays too little, while others find the sedentary and repetitive nature of a traditional job to be too boring. Well, freelancing is the answer to all your prayers.

A freelancer is an individual who is self-employed and not associated with any particular company or organization. This allows one to have flexible work hours, the freedom to choose the nature of work and earn as high as they work for.  So, here’s an article to guide you on the possibilities and steps of making money as a freelancer.

Find your niche and master it!

It may seem illogical to be told to stick to one type of freelance work but hear us out. Freelance clients are not looking for a CV that proves that you’re an all-rounder, their only concern is if and how much skill you have for the required task. Each field is already very crowded, and competition is tough when to comes to grabbing projects. So, your best approach here would be to find something you are good at and become the best at it.

Types of freelance work

Another advantage of freelance work is the diverse and creative type of work available thus its best to know your options and decide one accordingly. You may be surprised to find that talents you had previously thought to be common are high paying skills. your options include graphic designing, content writing, translation tutoring, etc to name a few

Figure out your client

Along with figuring out your niche, it is necessary to know who your ideal client is. E.g., are they organizations, businessmen or college students? Figuring this out is crucial to kickstarting your freelance career. Knowing your client lets you decide how much fee you’ll be charging, where and how you should market your skills. By further specializing your niche this way, you maximize output and quality of work. Additionally, you don’t run the risk of upsetting a client.

Know your boundaries

The prospect of work and pay often blinds the smartest of individual and leads them to make regrettable choices. Once you’ve figured out your niche and mastered your domain, it is essential you establish some ground rules. Knowing what you won’t do is equally as important as knowing what you will do! You should have enough confidence in your skills not to undersell yourself.

Establish a reasonable minimum fee and stick to your guns. Have enough understanding of yourself and your schedule so you know the type and deadline of tasks that you can easily do. Additionally, if your client is international, find a trusted money transfer service that will allow your client to send you your payment.

Be realistic

Overconfidence can often be detrimental to one’s success. While it is good to know your worth, you shouldn’t underestimate the level of competition in the freelance market. So, if you’re planning on starting freelancing or pursuing it full time, make sure you don’t quit your job just yet! It is recommended that you keep your day job until your freelance earnings are at least 75% of what your job pays.

Freelance work can be an inconsistent source of income so if going full-time, be prepared to face the uncertainty that comes with freelance jobs.

If the exciting world of freelancing has caught your eye, then prepare yourself for a life of flexible hours and being your own boss. But be warned, despite its perks, it’s not as easy it seems. So, make sure you follow the aforementioned tips, and you’re well on your way to a successful freelance career.