5 Ways to Use Technology to Lower Your Energy Bills


In this day and age, it’s easier than ever before to save money on your energy bills. Thanks to advancements in technology, there are many ways you can save energy and cut down the amount you pay each year.


1. The duel flush toilet

Did you know that your toilet uses a lot more water than any other appliance in the home? Many people don’t give much thought to it really, but given that older toilets can use up to 13 litres of water for each flush, it can really add up to a lot.
The Duel Flush toilet gives you the option to use a smaller flush for liquid waste or a larger flush for solid waste – saving water and money.


2. Energy efficient appliances and electronics

If your current appliances are quite old, now is definitely the time to upgrade to more energy efficient ones. It also helps to cut down your use of the appliances and electronics in your home. Long gone are the days where we ventured outdoors and did things offline, but going back to a more ‘offline’ way of life can actually save on electricity.


technology to save energy

Think back to when you read a book and leant it to friends rather than logging online and sharing a link to a story. What about when you wrote to penpals and used a Filofax to keep track of important events and dates, instead of emailing correspondents and using mobile diaries. Although the internet has brought us many great features there are ways in which the ‘old days’ were more efficient.


3. Insulation

Home insulation can be costly to install, but loft insulation isn’t fairly inexpensive and it all soon pays for itself. Figures from npower.com suggest that you can save up to £175 every single year just by installing loft insulation and up to another £135 for cavity wall insulation. If you’re put off by the initial cost, there are some grants available to help with the finances.


4. Energy monitor

In order to save money you often need to understand exactly how much you’re spending. Energy monitors are extremely useful as they show you exactly how much energy your home is using at any one time.
By paying closer attention and monitoring your usage you’ll get to see where you are using the most energy and what you can do to reduce it.


5. Make use of the internet

The internet is the number one technology to use in the home. There are all kinds of energy efficient tips to be found online, as well as useful tools and calculators to help you cut your bills. It also makes it far easier to shop around and compare different tariffs to make sure you know you’re getting the best deal around.