15 Useful WordPress Infographics & Cheatsheets


If you want to learn effectively or interestingly then you should prefer to video or animated tutorials. The best and the most popular medium to show some information is Infographics. Infographics are graphical medium to put some interesting information for readers. You can use any graphics plus images to show information. Today, we’ll bring you some interesting Infographics about WordPress which will tell you the thorough knowledge of it. On other hand we have mixed up some Cheatsheets of WordPress to help out developers. You can use these Cheatsheets and Infographics to save your precious time and increase your workflow.


Your Self-Hosted WordPress Website

Creating Your Self-Hosted WordPress Website


The Loop Visual Model

The Loop Visual Model


Business Adoption of WordPress

Business Adoption of WordPress


Theme Anatomy Model

Theme Anatomy Model


Top WordPress Essentials

Top WordPress Essentials


WordPress Database Diagram

WordPress Database Diagram


WordPress in 2012

WordPress in 2012


WordPress 3 Template Hierarchy

WordPress 3 Template Hierarchy


Anatomy of a WordPress Theme

Anatomy of a WordPress Theme


WordPress Stats

WordPress Stats


Template Hierarchy Map

Template Hierarchy Map


WordPress Guide for Small Businesses

WordPress Guide for Small Businesses


Loop Code Snippet

Loop Code Snippet


WordPress Anatomy

WordPress Anatomy


What You Need To Know In One Sheet

What You Need To Know In One Sheet