What To Know Before You Take The GMAT


The Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) is an important component of the business school admission process for any MBA program. Attaining a good score on the GMAT is proof that you have acquired the skills and confidence that will help you to become successful as an MBA student and in other business fields.

In this article, we’re going to look at things you need to know prior to taking the GMAT. To do well in this test you have to first know what to expect. Most students enroll for this test without the knowledge about what to expect or what the GMAT is all about and this has led to many people failing to attain the minimum score on their first attempt. Below are the things you need to know before taking the GMAT:

Learn about the exam.

You need to first familiarize yourself with the GMAT exam. You should learn about the sections that make up the GMAT, the best strategies to ace this test, and the required preparation tools. You can do this by visiting the GMAT official website or talking with a GMAT test prep tutor.

When trying to find out the GMAT basics, you should learn the average accepted scores at your preferred schools so you can create a goal for yourself. The higher the GMAT score the higher the possibility of getting admission in top-ranked schools.

The GMAT has four sections which are tested and each of the section has its own weight when it comes to determining the final score. The Essay section has no effect on the final score and that is why it’s reported separately.

Take practice exams.

Taking practice exams is one of the most effective ways of establishing a baseline, even though it is sometimes intimidating. These tests are very important as they help you to determine your strength and your weaknesses. Obtaining practice tests is not difficult since there are a variety of GMAT test prep companies offering full exams at no cost, but ensure these exams test the official GMAT concepts.

Regardless of the practice test format you prefer it has to be computer-based, complete, and also timed. In simple terms, it should not differ a lot and should offer a similar experience as taking the actual GMAT. It has to provide a comprehensive report of all the questions, the percentage of the questions answered correctly, and the time taken to complete every question.

Don’t focus a lot on your overall score. You just need to remember that this is only a practice test and not the actual exam. Practice exams are meant to help you improve significantly by helping you figure out what areas need further study.

Create a study plan.

A study plan is very important as it helps you to prepare for your test prior to the exam. The GMAT should be studied regularly for a period of two to six months. The minimum GMAT test prep time a test taker should dedicate is at least 50 hours and there are test takers who spend more than 100 hours studying for the GMAT. This is based on your schedule, target score, and your skill level.

Students who start their preparation a few weeks before the exam opt for cramming technique which is not recommendable for GMAT students as they will miss out on the important concepts. Give yourself plenty of time to study and you will surely succeed. Good luck!