Magic art of planning for a successful business


If businessmen knew more about planning, their employees would receive a higher salary. The businessmen themselves would become much more prosperous, spending less effort. Here are some simple planning tips.

Write down everything

Regardless of whether you are a businessman, whether you want to start a business, or you work for hire, following these tips, you will earn more money. These tips help people think more technologically.

The problem with discipline is the first thing that kills the planning. But this is until you do not get used the written planning. Some people can do this (write down). Others are either lazy or just not used to it.

Once in France, a study was conducted. The schoolchildren were asked about the stated goal. Children were split into those who did not have a clear understanding of it, those whose goal was formulated verbally, and those who had written the goal and drew up some kind of a plan. The quality of the plan was not tested. Ten years later, those who had a clearly formulated goal had 10 times more income than those who had no specific goal. Those whose goal was written down received an average of 10 times more than those who had a goal just formulated in the head.

Write your thoughts on paper. This will free your attention for more productive creativity.

Do not start the planning with a plan. However paradoxical it may sound, planning does not begin with either strategy or tactics. It starts either with a goal or the product.

What is the goal?

The goal is what you live for. This is a very high matter, and not everyone knows their purpose. If you cannot easily answer the question “what is the meaning of your life?” or “what do you want to achieve in order to die happily?”, then you do not know your goal. You should find it because you have it, but you do not see it. Start planning with the product.

If you know your goal and can formulate it so confidently that no one could confuse you – start planning with the goal.

If you do not know your life goal, start planning with the exact wording of the product that you decided to sell.

What is a product?

Precisely determine the product of activity. The product is something you trade with customers for money. When the transaction is completed and you have money in hand – what is in the hands of the client? The client has something that is called the product. By definition, a product is something produced and then exchanged. For example, you are selling jeans – the product will be sold jeans, and if you produce jeans, then the product will simply be jeans. If you are a dentist, then the product can be healthy, beautiful teeth of the patient. A product is always a thing, not an action. For example, treating teeth would not be a product.

Precisely describe the starting point. You must make a list of resources on the basis of which you are going to plan your actions. Financial, administrative, human, intellectual, technological, and supplies, all the links that may be useful and which you plan to use.

If you do not have the necessary resources to start, describe what resources you need and how you are going to get them. If this is not possible, just think of another tactic for starting. If you have difficulties with that, ask people who have started a business for advice.

Do not confuse goals and ideal pictures. The ideal picture is just a description of how you would like things to go. This is the design of the situation – the growth of profit by 100% per year, a big office in the center of the city, a lot of money, and profit-making – are not the goals. These are just an ideal picture.

Write the perfect situation on paper. The real goal answers the question why you need an ideal picture. The ideal situation is what you want to achieve. But this is also an idea of how a business should work when things are going well. The ideal situation should be written on paper.

Monitor the trends of growth and fall of profits weekly. If you want to reach the target on time, you must monitor the growth and decline on a weekly basis. You need to make a list of indicators, which you will follow every week. The simplest indicator is income. But there may be others. Learn more about how to make a list of indicators at

Give orders only on the basis of plans and projects. Coordination is the essence of planning. Plans (strategic) are long-term intentions that describe the achievement of strategic objectives. You can make a plan for a year or several decades.

Projects are short-term descriptions of the exact order of events for the implementation of any tactical task.

The plans do not include the exact terms and performers because both can change. The projects include exact terms and performers.

If you give orders, ideally you should have plans and projects, the implementation of which is promoted by these orders.

Write down successful actions and turn them into rules. If you have succeeded, write down under what circumstances it happened and what you did exactly. Think about what kind of rule would be appropriate for this success, so that it would help, rather than interfere in the future. Accumulate a library of successful actions. Do not be lazy to write them down.

Find out your main goal and coordinate all the elements of planning with it. You cannot underestimate the importance of understanding your own goal in life. Perhaps at the moment, this point seems the most incomprehensible and unreal to you. But without it, life does not make sense by definition. Moreover, without realizing the goal you will not be happy because it is the movement to your own goal that makes you happy.