Landing Page Optimization Tips for Better Conversion Rate


Landing Page Optimization Tips for Better Conversion Rate

If you are like most online businesses, there is no doubt that you have a vested interest in making the most revenue as you can from the traffic that your website receives. If you want a website visitor to complete a certain action during their visit, a landing page is a great tool to maximize your results.

These helpful tips on landing page optimization will help you increase your conversion rates for better results.

Make Your Landing Page Clear

When your prospective customer arrives on your website, the intent of your landing page should be clearly defined. For example, if you want the visitor to sign up for your newsletter, your landing page should not contain a lot of other unrelated content or links that can lead them away from completing your desired action. Simply put, the more options that you give visitors, the more likely they are to do nothing.

Focus on Targeted Keyword Sets

Keywords always serve a very specific function to help pick up organic keyword rankings and for optimized advertising campaigns.

To help with readability and semantics, you should not repeat the keyword repeatedly or use formatting like bold and italics to emphasize the repeated keyword. If possible and if needed, using synonyms for the same keyword is a way to elegantly improve the text of your landing page without it reading like spam.

People typically will react better to content like seller ratings extensions when they are considering whether to fill out the required form or take your desired action, such as submitting their Email address or completing a purchase order.

Keep It Simple Silly (KISS!)

The simpler and more concise you can keep your message the better. While you might be tempted to include a lot of information on your landing page, this can have the opposite effect of what you want to happen. As mentioned before, when you present visitors with a ton of information when they land on your page, they are more likely to get distracted or overwhelmed with information. By keeping the text on your landing page concise and easily understood, the more likely your visitors are to fill out that form or hit the “Buy Now” button without delay.

Avoid using a “wall of text” that is filled with cerebral technical knowledge that goes over the visitors head. This is not marketing material that works for most products. Instead, use easy to understand terminology that someone with a sixth-grade reading comprehension can understand.

Have Your Funnel Built

No matter whether you are just working with organic traffic or you are paying for traffic using methods such as PPC or Social ads, you will want to be sure that your landing page is set up the right way to maximize the value of your visitors. If you are collecting Email addresses, it is imperative that once a visitor completed the action that your landing page is set up to do, their Email address is entered into your Email marketing software that has been set up with timely autoresponders and periodical, promotional Email messages.

By following these landing page optimization tips, you will find that your conversion rates increase substantially. If you are running multiple campaigns at the same time, make sure each one has its own customized page for best results.