How Employers Legally Spy On You


Somebody spying on someone is a very common issue in any organization. Employees termination is happening due to workplace investigations. Top management is trying to know how employees are behaving in the workplace, are they really doing their work or involve in any other unwanted issues. If certain employees involved in other issues apart from the work, it is a time waste and that can disturb other employees too. Monitoring the employees is a big task for the management. Top management majorly concentrate on work allocation and their deliverability. But in-between there are many internal issues spread around the employees. Top management may allow auditing through cell phone spy activities by making any employee take an advantage to share their feelings with their top management.

There are a few legal ways every company can spy on their employees.

  1. Management monitoring the employees

Employee monitoring means to observe employee movements in the company circumstances. Employee attendance in the form of biometric, whether they are coming on time or taking extra breaks, and swiping cards which can be known for their entry and exit logs. Monitoring the other employee computer will be a wrong way , the employer monitor employee emails, and other browsing data to identify the culprit. If employees work is related to IT (information technology) sector, social media sites aren’t allowed, because the data can be shared easily and are not secure. Management watches the employee activities through secret cameras, they also have the access to their cell phones. Cell phone spy can be detected in this phenomena. Cameras are fixed to watch the employee system screens and employees.

  1. Competition among employees

There arises competition between the employees in every organization; competition is playing one of the major roles. An employee can influence to do a spy on his/her co-employee. Here, promotions, hike,  rewards are involved to develop the competition between the employees. In the work environment, every employee thought is to discuss other employee benefits. An employee can walk to the top management and say about the co-employee work status. If the output is visible, they will concentrate on the impact of the employee behavior.

  1. Cell phone data

The cell phone has become an evidence. Employees can access mobiles where some data like calls, photos, videos are recorded automatically. This data is treated as a proof of the authority. Generally, employees talk about the co-employees and top management, if it is in a positive way there is a no problem but in case, if it is in a negative way it will effect on both the employees. Messaging wrongly about someone, cracking a violent jokes on others are known to be the clear and genuine evidence to terminate an employee.

  1. Sharing the information

Sharing about the company information with the outside people or another company is called a crime. Company information is highly confidential; no one has the right to share the company information to others. Company information includes projects, clients, revenue, etc.

Sharing the information has become one of the blunder mistakes in the companies; if employees are sharing about their personals to other employees, it is not a good thing. Some co-employees catch it as an opportunity.

Sharing any information, if it is either related to the company or person will become a major issue inside the company. So better to do the given work and leave, which would be the best policy for any employee.

  1. Tracking devices

Tracking devices are used for improving efficiency in the workplace. Mobile GPS is used to track the employee movements when they leave the workplace. For example, if the employee posted in some location status using nearby or any other relevant options in social media networks that can post their location, can help management to track his/her location in case they are predicted to be a spy.

If an employee takes leave in the view that they are going out of the station, but actually they are not, in such situation, the employer can easily monitor the employee presence by using any tracking devices, so there is no way to escape from the employer.

  1. Offline Conduct

Conduct is the major thing, it reflects the behavior of the employee. Employers usually observe the employee conduct. The employee has to follow the company’s ethics and rules. They have to obey and habituate the circumstances of the company because every employee has to give the respect to their work as well as co-employees. There are few off-duty conducts that may affect the other employees like social drinking, smoking, and unusual habits. So these are not good manners, so they are not encouraged in the company and are violated against the rules.

  1. Medical records

Employees have the facility to cover the medical allowances once in a year. But a few employees submit their medical bills at the end of the year and few are genuine. If an employee takes the leave for a medical emergency or family medical issue, an employer inquire whether the employee is needed really or not. They also demand the doctor for the record of the employee. If employees managed doctors and submitted the dummy reports or letters employer spy over and test whether the information and record submitted is genuine and take the decision accordingly.

Medical records should be valid and clear if an employee tries to manage with the fake medical reports it will affect his/her duties in the future.

  1. Using company devices

Using the company devices, employee activities can be monitored by the top management. Company devices can help in interacting with instant messages, Skype calls, and chats which can find what exactly an employee is doing. Worksheets are shared in order to know what work has to be done, how much is pending, what is the deadline for the work?

In this case, sharing of company information within others by violating the laws through many devices that are assigned by the authority would probably become a negative impulse on that employee who certainly involves in doing such illegal activities.


The above are the concerns observed in most of the organizations. Hence, every employee should work carefully inside and outside of the company. Conduct of the employee is definitely concentrated. The behavior and attitude play a major role. Employees should keenly work for the company. There is no use in talking about unnecessary things about someone, besides, no doubt it will directly affect on them.