Bloggers Should Know These Tricks


Modern blogging styles go on changing and developing all the time. If you are a modern blogger, just do your best to follow the latest trends and streams in the world of blogging.

Here we represent an overview of the most appealing blogging style nuances and blogging tricks to your attention.


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Getting Rid of Spam

All bloggers will agree that one of the most embarrassing and annoying issues concerning their everyday blogging life is fighting against spam. Each and every blogger copes with this problem every day. The thing is that spam streams are one of the inevitable sides of today’s internet marketing. Spam sharing provides bases for product promotion and launch. If you’re facing such problems, Akismet anti-spam plugin will be the best solution to your spam-fighting problems. If you’re among concerned bloggers who are trying to get the least «harms» from spams, be aware that spam reviews and comments may affect your readers negatively. So, try to be more attentive towards spam products and their comments.

Instead of spending hours on spam deletion, just turn to Aksimet. Soon, you’ll see that all trackbacks and comments have stopped troubling you and your readers. This way you’ll also contribute to turning your blog into a more striking and catchy one! Besides, a great many forums and blogs will soon fall under Aksimet control. This tool monitoring and control is realized in real-time mode. So, you’ll be able to follow comments and spambots, social engineering specifics and buffer sites.


Blogging Through Mobiles

Today the majority of people prefer using their tablets or mobile devices for blogs. So, mobile phones are considered as more convenient than PCs for blog reading. What is more, it’s so simple to surf through the internet via your mobile phone while your PC is busy downloading or zooming.

There is a fine solution to your mobile blogging – it is called WPtouch. Use it to enjoy great mobile blogging themes! WPtouch is a great blogging trick to be applied for a perfect writing style. It’s so important to represent an appropriate style of blog writing to readers. Readers look for the most convenient solutions to get rid of scrolling troubles and this tool enables them to use simple clicks.


Blog Plugins

If you’re using WordsPress blogs, we recommend you to apply various plugins. Some of them are designed to operate in the background; other types are developed to alter the site looks. CommentLuv plugins enable the readers to have a link attached to the blog posts about the site.

As for the costs of blog plugins, some of them are free, and others require some payment. Be sure, you’ll acquire more by spending some money. Free blog plugins are deprived of several significant features. More particularly, if you need to change your blog site into a membership one, or if you’re looking for slick landing pages, we advise you to use Copyblogger Premise plugins.

Apart from the above mentioned positive features, there are also some negative ones that should be taken into account. You may face problems with security when using old plugins, or those which are coded inappropriately. So, your blog will become more vulnerable towards hacking. On the other hand, adding more plugins, you’ll make your blog run slower. To escape this, you should delete or just deactivate some of them. Besides, you can also update the ones being used.


Choosing A Theme For The Blog

Blog templates or themes count for the looks of your blog. So, be more attentive! It’s possible to change your blog theme without losing your blog posts, comments and pages. Anyway, they may undergo some changes. If you’re using the default theme for your blog site, why not try a more suitable one for your blog style and brand?
As to blog theme costs, you can find both free and premium themes, premium ones offer additional opportunities like making adjustments without using a CSS code. There is another fine way to have exceptional blog themes – just apply changes to already existing ones; this can be done through the Word Press designer.