Stay Committed: How to Publish Regular Content and Boost SEO


If you want your business’s website to gain and maintain high rankings on search engines, publishing fresh, original, keyword-rich content on a regular basis will help you achieve this goal.


Adding content regularly using a variety of keywords related to your business or site can also help you to draw more viewers from all over the web rather than just a small segment. You should focus on putting out high-quality content rather than keyword-stuffed content, however. Search engines use their algorithms in part to find and reward sites that have useful and original content and penalize those that put out content of little value. If you are a skilled writer and enjoy writing, you can create content yourself. If you prefer not to write your own content, you can find other writers to contribute content for you either for free or for reasonable fees.


How to Publish Regular Content and Boost SEO


Using Keywords to Increase Your Site’s Rankings

The more content you have that uses specific sets of keywords, the more likely your site is to rank highly when Internet users search for those terms. For example, if your business sells bait and tackle supplies, having a variety of different articles on your site that use the words “bait,” “tackle,” “fishing supplies,” and “buy bait” will lend authenticity to your website and raise your ranking as long as those articles don’t duplicate each other.


Using Keywords to Widen Your Reach

In addition to putting out regular content that uses the same keywords, you can also put out content that uses keywords related to your business or site. Using the example of a bait and tackle shop once again, related keywords or key phrases can include “expert fishing,” “best places to fish,” or “how to catch Muskie.” Related keywords and key phrases will draw in Internet users who may not necessarily be searching for bait or tackle specifically, but who is still part of your target market.


Avoid Keyword Stuffing

The practice of stuffing keywords into articles began to take hold when SEO experts and Internet marketers discovered years ago that algorithms searched for keywords and would rank sites highly if their content had lots of keywords. However, since that time, search engines have begun cracking down on sites that offer content of little to no value to Internet users. Keyword-stuffed content can often be picked up by the algorithms now, and sites that put out keyword-stuffed content end up with low rankings rather than high ones.


Where Should You Get Your Content?

If you don’t want to write all your content yourself, there are a variety of ways you can get content for your site. If you can afford to purchase content, there are Internet-based businesses that offer content writing services at a variety of writing levels and prices. You can also contract with a local writer to provide your content or hire someone to write your content for you. You may also be able to get free content by asking others in the blogging community or within your business’s industry to write guest posts.



Putting out regular content that uses keywords relevant to your business or site can help you get more traffic and, by extension, do more business. However, you must focus on creating quality articles as well as articles that are keyword-rich, so be careful not to keyword-stuff. You can write your own content or you can hire or contract with someone to write it for you. You can also find guest bloggers to write columns or articles on your site, or you may want to try a combination of approaches.