Top 5 Ways to Improve SEO of Website You Design


Everyone wants their site to be popular and appealing to its audience. Designing beautiful web interface is not enough to attract the visitors. There are some other factors too which are responsible for the success of your website. One of these factors is SEO; it affects the traffic and search engine popularity of your client’s website. As a web design and SEO Agency you can help your clients to make their website optimized in terms of SEO.


SEO is a detailed process which should be considered from the start of designing of your website. If your web design is SEO friendly then you have better chances to lead your competitors. SEO Web Design improves your Google listings. You may ask why Google is important for a website’s success. Well Google attracts around 90% of the search traffic in US, which is a considerable figure for website owners.


SEO Web Design


Now in this article we’ll discuss the top 5 ways to improve SEO of your website. In current scenario, focusing only on web designing is not a good idea, as you will want to see your website succeed as well. So read out the following suggestions and try to implement these into your projects.



Addition of a Blog

Search engine loves fresh content and blogs are a great source of fresh content. You can convince your clients for adding a blog section within their website. You can tell them about the benefits of blogs and the success stories of popular blogs. The best way to keep connected with your visitors is blog; they can send comments and suggestions to you to help you improve your services. Business websites often are static sites which have limited content publishing possibilities whereas with the blog option you will be able to serve daily updates to your visitors.


Use Google Analytics

Updating the site with fresh content is not the only factor you should consider, you must also be aware of the taste of your site’s visitors –what they like the most on your site or blog and how much time they spend on your site, their surfing pattern, etc.? To know these factors you should use a better tracking system with your website. One of the popular and reliable stat systems is Google Analytics. By registering your site with Google Analytics you will be able to track your domain + subdomain on basis of different available criteria. It makes you aware with the taste of your visitors, where they come from, which keywords are used most, which are the most used entry and exit pages, their geographical locations, etc.


Minimize Codes of your Websites

Search Engine bots always keep an eye on website content and their updating behaviour. Messy codes in HTML, JavaScript and CSS styling make these bots work harder to read your content. So for better search engine ranking you must clean your code and manage JavaScript and CSS codes into separate files instead of placing those directly on the website code. Neat & Clean and minimum codes helps search engines to better crawl your website and thus to secure higher SEO ranking for website.


Every Page Must be Unique

Since the launch of Google Panda & Google Penguin Algorithms to control the quality of websites listed in Google, many sites got penalized due to duplicate or poor quality of content. Whether you’ve copied the content from other sites or from other pages of the same site, you will decrease the chances of getting higher rank in Google search engine. Unique and fresh contents clear restrictions about SEO progress from your site which is beneficial from client’s prospective.


Proper Linking of your Site Pages

To improve the SEO Ranking of your site, you must be aware of inbuilt linking structure of your site. Mostly we use graphical menu design to make it attractive and visitor friendly but this kind of Flash menu decreases the SEO ranking of your site. Better approach might be to include Footer text links to your site. List all your important pages of the site at the footer and include a sitemap of all the pages; this will help search engines to detect all of your site pages at once.




SEO is not tough if it’s done properly from the starting of the site design. Many people think SEO is not necessary for the website design, but the above mentioned 5 tips can help them to change their thinking. By following these 5 ways you can achieve better SEO ranking for your site.