How to Learn to Code (When You Have No Experience)


In recent years, coding has significantly exploded, transforming computer-based ideas into something that shapes the modern world. Currently, every electronic item, device, and modern machinery has some aspect of code. The surge in usage means that this is the best time for those interested to learn how to code. While coding may mean writing codes to form programs executable by computers or code readers, learning how to code is not that simple.

However, being an exciting field, coding enthusiasts without basic knowledge can learn how to code and write basic programs within some weeks. Besides being fun, learning how to code gives you valuable skills and provides unmatched job security. If you are interested in coding, below is a guide on how to learn to code for beginners.

Understand Why You Want to Learn Coding

Interest in coding alone may not be sufficient to get you started on learning how to code. Before enrolling in coding classes or watching endless YouTube videos, ask yourself why you are interested in coding. Knowing the type of coding skills that you want to acquire is probably the best place to begin. Do you intend to be a website developer? Build mobile applications, or become a software engineer?

You should also evaluate the time and money you are willing to commit. If you can commit a few hours every week to learn, there is no need to sign up for an intensive coding course. Similarly, you should be ready to pay for your classes.

Choose the Right Coding Language

You can easily choose a coding language once you have figured out why you want to learn to code. While no specific programming language is the best to learn, some programming languages are better than others. For instance, CSS and HTML are best for beginning coding enthusiasts, but can only help build basic websites. Mobile application development requires Swift for iOS and Java for Android apps. Some of the best programming languages include;

  • Java – arguably the most popular language, it is a universal and prevalent coding language with multiple applications. Those interested in Android apps and back-end website development should consider learning Java. With its popularity, you can enroll in various Java courses, including the Java Tutorial or Java Nanodegree course from Udacity.

  • Python – is another important coding language, especially in the creation of academic programs. It also backs several modern technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Python is easy to learn and among the few languages taught in schools.

Other popular coding languages currently include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, and Solidity.

Find the Right Resources

Having identified a programming language to learn, the next step is finding the best ways to learn your skills of choice. Some coding learning resources include;

  • Online coding courses – It is probably the best way to learn to code and interact with new programming languages. Online courses will equip you with the basics of coding languages in a fun and engaging manner. The best thing is that most of these courses are available for free or at affordable prices. Additionally, if you can’t afford a course, you can apply for financial aid. For example, veterans can apply for G.I. Bill benefits.

  • Textbooks – coding reference books are another great learning resource as well. The books contain essential syntax and basics of a language, enabling learners to refer to when they are stuck with codes.

  • YouTube videos – video tutorials from YouTube also provide great insights into coding. They can help beginners learn complex coding procedures with ease. However, it is prudent to use these videos alongside an online course to ease your learning process.

As you search for a suitable learning resource, consider downloading a code editor as well. Even as online courses allow learners to write codes in their browsers, coding doesn’t follow the same route in the real world. After graduating from the course, you will have to write your codes directly in an editor. As such, it is a good idea if you start practicing early.

Start Writing Programs

With the basic knowledge acquired so far, you can put into practice by creating programs. Note that the program or project depends on your chosen coding language. While this might feel a bit steep for beginners, you will be awed by how much you can do with regular practice. If you chose to learn CSS/HTML, you could start building a website. Remember that you will get better with more practice.

Coding for Beginners

As the world transitions towards tech, coding skills are increasingly becoming valuable. While learning how to code for those with no experience can be challenging, it is possible, especially with the tips mentioned above. As you better your coding abilities, consider unpacking other programmers’ codes to reinforce your knowledge. It would help if you also undertook regular practice to improve your coding skills.