Why users need Power Bi in day-to-day applications?


Power Bi is a business intelligence software using which users can share visual and data insights across the entire organization or can embed them in their app or website. Power is deeply integrated with all Microsoft applications, especially Excel. So, the platform is intuitive for users familiar with Excel. Power Bi has a free version which can be used by small businesses and the professional version, Power Bi Plus, is available for a subscription fee. Power Bi Desktop is used on Windows 10 and on apps for Windows, Android, and iOS. Power Bi report server is for companies that maintain their data and reports on the premises. If you still haven’t migrated to Microsoft Power Bi, below are top 10 unique features of Power Bi to help you make a choice.

Features of Power Bi

Power Bi can give users an overview of all the heterogeneous data of their organization. Some other features of Power Bi are as follows.

Cohort analysis

Clustering, Grouping, and Binning are Power Bi tools that help explore relationships between data sets. Clustering combines multiple data sets into a single meaningful cluster. Next, it compares these clusters to identify the relationship between data sets. This feature also helps develop a hypothesis of the current data.

Data Analysis Expression

Data Analysis Expression (DAX) is a powerful Power Bi feature that helps find values out of a data set by calculating different data with the current data. It uses formulas or expressions to calculate the data sets. Basically, this function works just like Excel, but without the complexity of rows and numbers. DAX reports are easy to build.

Integration with machine learning

Visualizing the result of machine learning algorithms is possible with Power Bi since it’s integrated with Azure machine learning. Just drag, drop and connect your data modules to view the output of your machine learning algorithms. And, integration with Azure Stream Analytics gives users access to real-time data.

Top N-Type Q&A

Power Bi has been updated to now support top-n-type questions. For example, the top three most selling products,” “top manufacturer of NSAT.” The feature also works for bottom type questions. This improved feature has only made data analytics easier and smoother.

Focus mode

If a user is interested in a particular chart from the dashboard, they can zoom in and interact with that chart using the Focus Mode. This feature doesn’t require any other development on the user’s part. When users click the image they are interested in, it zooms up to a nearly full-screen level and once done, the user can simply zoom out of the visual.

Powerful data manipulation tools

For more experienced developers, Power Bi lets users manipulate data before incorporating it in your visuals. Also, users can write VizQL formulas to produce calculations when data is being connected. Power Bi also has a query editor which uses M language, designed for data mashups using DAX.

Data-driven alerts

Constantly checking to see if all your data is in place can get time-consuming. This is when the data alerts feature comes in handy. In Power Bi, users can set alerts as per their preference, for instance, an alert for certain KPI events. These alerts can be received via Power Bi’s web-based notification center or through email or phone apps, too.


The setup and day-to-day maintenance can be done by the user without the help of IT staff. It only requires a little training before users can access and analyze their own data. This feature makes Power Bi efficient as well as cost-effective.

Cloud sharing

Power Bi has been built on the objective of being able to share data on the Cloud. Its modern HTML5 coding techniques ensure that sharing is compatible with any browser. It even has apps for iOS, Android, and Windows 10, which users can download for free. These two features make data analysis across the organization easier.

Data import

Power Bi users can import data from multiple sources, from regional databases to data source platforms. Some places from which data can be imported include Google Analytics, Microsoft Azure, SalesForce, and more. A user can quickly create a website usage dashboard with the Online Services of Power Bi.

All these features have garnered Power Bi increasing popularity. Learning Power Bi is simple, and with the help of a Power Bi course, users will be able to navigate the software better.

MEAN stack web development training

MEAN stack is a web development software bundle which makes it easy to develop and maintain web applications. MEAN is a popular software among most organizations for developing apps and websites, making engineers with knowledge of MEAN in-demand in the job market. While MEAN is simple to learn because it uses only one language for writing all programs, it is advisable to take a Mean Stack Web Development training to understand the software and obtain more relevant skills.

The benefits of choosing Power Bi are endless

Power Bi has 6 main components: Power Query, Power Pivot, Power View, Power Map, Power Q&A, Power Bi Desktop. Each of these components has its own unique features and can be used individually for creating interactive data. The advantages of undertaking a Microsoft Power Bi course are endless and it is simple to use once you have the basics down.