How often you need to Post on Social Media Platforms-Timing and Frequency


Marketing techniques changing rapidly especially in the past ten years with growth of social media platforms to get your brand noticed also marketing needs to be changed with those quickly like influencer marketing. Social media marketers are often seen confused about how often they should post on social media. They are always finding answers to questions like

  • How much posts are enough for my facebook page?
  • How much tweets will be good for marketing my brand on Tweeter?
  • How much video should I post on YouTube?
  • What time is good for posting on my social media sites?

Same questions are asked by marketers who are on Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and other such social media platforms.

To confuse the problem further, there is no standard rule of how much contents are sufficient for your social media marketing campaign. It totally depends upon the platform you are using for your social media marketing. Trends in social media are changing every now and then, that nothing is permanent. Top trends of today are considered obsolete the very next day. To be successful at social media marketing platform you need to keep yourself up to date about these constantly changing trends.

It’s an art, which as a social media marketer, you have to master, and you can learn this art by practice only. There is no legitimate guide on how to master these tricks.


We can classify Facebook as ‘low volume high value network’. What does that mean? It means you can get high value output by posting very few but high quality contents at this platform. An important point to remember is don’t post in a way that feed of you followers is filled only by you posts. Make sure whatever your are posting is of high quality, never compromise on that principle.

It’s good to start with one post per day and you can gradually increase it to two posts per day. You can post it anywhere in between 9am to 6pm to reach most of your audience.


It is a ‘high volume low value’ platform, you have to posts here too much but results are not that much high as compared to input.

Good frequency will be 10 to 25 tweets per day. You can increase or decrease, depending upon the results.

It’s one of the fastest moving social media network. Tweeter feed is like a fast moving car on highway. Here average lifecycle of a tweet is just 18 min.

You may have received hundreds of tweets in your account since you start reading this article. If you have high quality, contents do not be afraid of re-tweeting them.

Google +

This social media site is very much similar to facebook. If you have good contents and you can do it with consistency, start with 5 posts per week and depending upon your output you may increase it to 10 per week.


It is a ‘High volume high value network’. You can reach high volume audience by pinning too often per day. You have to post here too much with quality contents. Start with five posts per day and you can increase it to 10, after evaluating for one month.


YouTube is all about videos. It differs from info graphic social media sites like facebook, where user scrolls through his feed. A good approach will be one video per week. Depending upon time you have and results, you can increase up to 2 to 3 per week.

Don’t annoy your followers

You have to keep balance of how often you can post and how often you are posting. Do not just post because you have some contents ready to fly, it’s a bad practice and it will annoy your followers on social media. This will result in   un following your page or group, that’s the thing which you have to avoid at every cost.

While one suggestion is not to post too much, the other one is not be too silent so that your followers forget you and are taken away by your competitors. Remember you are not the only one who is doing marketing to attract people there are many competitors, do keep an eye on how much they are posting. Keeping an idea on your competitors marketing habits will also help you in adjusting your frequency.

Follow Testimonials of Successful Social Media Marketers

A good thing is to follow testimonials of successful social media marketers; you can get fair idea of what frequency of posting is good, as well as about time of posting your contents. This in turn will help you in drawing a better strategy for your social media posting frequency.

Predict, measure, adjust, and repeat

As there are no standard guidelines for every niche about posting frequency, you have to start from somewhere. First draw a strategy, see the results, alter your strategy based on results and then go again. This is the best strategy to be successful on social media sites.

For example, you can start posting on facebook with one post per day. Keep doing that for one complete month. After that, you will start seeing the results, of whether or not this strategy is effective or not. You may adjust your posting frequency depending upon the results.


It is not important how much you post but thing that will made an impact is your consistency. If you cannot post high quality contents with consistency you will be forgotten by your followers, never let this happen. Post high quality contents regularly and always try to improve quality of you contents.

Remember social media is awesome marketing tool but with complex rules and constantly changing patterns. There is no hard and fast rule for how much post are sufficient for particular social media site.

As a social media marketer, you need to equip yourself with answers like what are your objectives, how much time you can spare for creating high value contents. After having these few things in your mind you can start marketing on these social media sites with confidence.