How to measure your ROI from SEO campaigns


Measuring the success of your SEO campaigns is important in determining whether the money and time that you put into your campaign was allocated effectively.

Search Engine Optimization is one of the most common methods used to drive visitors to your site. These visitors are expected to become paying customers, as they are probably interested in your products or services.

To measure your ROI (return on investment), you should use the information Google Analytics and positionly provide to analyze traffic patterns, link increases, and increases in revenue.


Rising organic traffic

If the traffic to your website increases, this is a good sign that your company is well-suited to its keyword search in the results. However, it is important to get traffic from related, non-branded keywords, not just from visitors searching for your business by name.

You can look through non-branded keywords that have driven traffic to your website by checking Google Analytics: first go to ‘acquisition’ then ‘keywords’.

To separate branded from non-branded keywords, select ‘advanced’ under ‘organic report.’ You should differentiate this traffic to see whether it is growing overtime. Branded organic traffic refers to visitors who are already familiar with your business, most of them being existing customers.


Increased inbound links

These are the lifeblood of SEO. When an external site links to yours, it is a vote of confidence that Google considers when ranking your website. When the number of inbound links to your site increases, it gains more visibility in the SERPs. This in turn means better rankings, increased traffic, and more traffic.

You can use several tools –such as Majestic SEO – to monitor the inbound links to your site. Such tools will help you to determine how many external backlinks are pointing to your site.

If you measure the inbound links over a few months, you might understand which content in your site drew the inbound links – this shines a light on what works and what does not.

Analyze the blog posts, eBooks, info graphics, and product pages that brought the most quality inbound links, and then try to duplicate your success.

High quality traffic

Sending unqualified traffic to your site is ineffective, but it happens a lot especially when you hire people who use blackhat techniques. The traffic that you get needs to be relevant to your content. Otherwise, visitors will leave your website as soon as they catch a glimpse of your homepage.

Quality traffic is more likely to bring conversions because your site offerings are related to what the visitors want. To access your traffic in Google Analytics, go to the section labeled ‘audience’ on the dashboard.

You can measure your traffic’s quality by analyzing the time visitors spend on your site, bounce rate, and pages per visit – all of these indicate the visitor’s engagement with your site.



Revenue is the most important metric and it is critical in measuring the ROI. The links to your website and quality of traffic affect the revenue that your SEO efforts generate but they are meaningless if they do not convert into money. To ensure that you get worthwhile ROI, work on driving conversions from highly targeted traffic.

Focus your efforts on building links from relevant sources to your website. A conversion can refer to completed sign-ups to your email newsletters. Google Analytics considers this a goal completion that will bring revenue in the future.

How is your company measuring the ROI for its SEO campaigns? Which metrics work for you and which ones do not? If you cannot monitor your own SEO success, consider hiring an SEO firm like Youth Noise to do it for you.

Author Bio

Taby G.

Title: Super-Connector at OutreachMama

Taby G. is a super-connector with OutreachMama and Youth Noise NJ who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. With over 6 years of writing experience, Taby bring a vast amount of knowledge, style and skill to every project. Her expertise lies in article/blog writing, eBooks, and SEO/informational writing. Copy writing and fiction are the icing of her work with excellent research skills and flawless grammar.