GetResponse vs Vertical Response vs IContact: Best email marketing software for your business


Email newsletters are an integral part of online marketing. As a marketer, it is imperative for you to reach out to your subscribers and communicate the latest trends and offers to them. Not only it creates a strong relationship with the subscribers, but email newsletters often contribute to generate direct sales. Thus, choosing the email marketing software has always been a priority among the marketers.

In this post, we have reviewed GetResponse Vs Vertical Response Vs IContact, the three market leaders in the field of email marketing.

What does an email marketing software do?

An email marketing software is basically a tool for creating attractive newsletter content and sending them across your mailing list. Today most email marketing software offers comprehensive report on ROI, social media integration and much more.

What are the most important points while choosing an email marketing software?

  • Designing Templates
  • Email intelligence
  • ROI calculation
  • Social Media Integration
  • Price
  • Customer Support

Now, let us review the three leading software, GetResponse Vs Vertical Response Vs IContact on basis of these above mentioned parameters.

Designing Templates

As a marketer, you would need your emails to look attractive, informative and attention grabbing. Here the function of an easy to use vibrant designing template is of utmost importance. While choosing the designing templates, one must take your proficiency level into consideration. If you are a novice marketer, a software with ready to use templates and easy editing technique should be your first choice. Let us review the brownie points for all three softwares.


Brownie points for GetResponse

  • Easy to use email editor. You simply have to drag and drop texts, charts, pictures etc to create awesome newsletters.
  • Over 500 ready to use templates. You simply incorporate your own marketing contents into the templates and your emails are ready to be sent. The software also provides you with an archive of 1000 images that you can use for free.
  • While the easy to use platform is attractive to the novice marketers, pro marketers can give their creativity a free rein with the HTML coder. Through this HTML coder, you can create unique layout for your emails.

Brownie points for VerticalResponse

  • VerticalResponse creates awesome responsive email designs. So, your mails look great on every platform.
  • This software also gives you an easy to use email editor. Simply drag and drop and create designer quality newsletters.
  • Over 700 ready to use templates and a vast array of images help you make your emails more vibrant.

Brownie points for IContact

  • Simple easy to use emails designing platform. The drag and drop facility for creating awesome newsletters.
  • The software offers some really great templates and images, though the numbers are not as extensive as the above two.

E-mail intelligence

E-mail intelligence is a useful feature that gives you  gauge the response that your mails are generating. This feature helps you monitor the number of sent mails, number of mail opened, number of contact unsubscribed etc. This analysis helps you understand the impact of your campaign on your subscribers.

Brownie points for GetResponse

  • The software provides one of the best email intelligence services to their customer.
  • GetResponse compare follow ups and gives you a report on hourly basis.

Brownie points for VerticalResponse

  • Sends automated follow up emails to all the un-opened emails on your subscription list.

Brownie point for IContact

  • Provides a CRM report on the email behaviours of your subscribers.
  • Sends automated follow up mails.

ROI Calculation


No matter what kind of marketing campaign you are running, measuring the ROI is the key to its success. There are various ways and analytic techniques to measure the success of the campaign. As a marketer you should always look for the one providing the most extensive ROI analysis.

Brownie points for GetResponse

  • GetResponse offers the most extensive A/B testing which analyses and provides comprehensive reports on all aspects of your newsletter, such as best time of the day to get favourable response, subject line etc.
  • The software provides you with all the consolidated analysis reports at one click only. This way you can get the comprehensive report to help your campaign at one place only.

Brownie points for VerticalResponse

  • VerticleResponse not only updates with the present scenario of your campaign, but also chalks out a tentative follow up steps for your campaign. This particular feature is quite helpful for novice marketers, as the software provides graphical, easily digestible analysis and a way forward.

Brownie points for IContact

  • IContact provides a basic engagement report to access the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.

Social Media Integration

In today’s world, various social media has the widest reach to the online community. As a marketer it is obvious that you would like to tap into this social media power and reach out to maximum number of prospects. Thus, creating contents that are sharable on social media is quite important today.

Brownie point for GetResponse

  • The age old software has finally realised the power of social media and recently has incorporated social media integration as one of their features.
  • The software even provides a report on the number of likes, comments and shares being generated on social media by the particular campaign.

Brownie points for VerticleResponse

  • The software provides 100% social media sharable contents for your campaign.

Brownie points for IContact

  • Provides one of the best social media sharable content.
  • IContact goes one step further in reaching out to social media audience. The software posts awesome contents on social media and keeps track on your conversations.


Price is one of the major factors when it comes to any major business purchase. An email marketing software is no different. Here, if you are a novice marketer, you should go for a flexible pricing policy that gives you short term options. This way if you want to change or upgrade your services after some time, you can do that without any trouble.

Brownie Points for GetResponse

  • The price range starts from $15 per month and gives you a lot of options.


Brownie Points for VerticleRespose

  • Verticle Respose offers two pricing plans: Pay as you go and Monthly payment. This gives you ultimate flexibility in terms of purchase decision.

Brownie points for IContact

  • Offers you various plans according to your requirements starting from only $14 per month.

Customer Support

Customer Support is one of the foremost criteria to look for. Without proper support from the customer care team, a novice marketer can be in deep trouble. Hence, make sure that the tool you are going for offers good customer support.

Brownie points for GetResponse

  • The software offers one of the most respected customer-support among its peers.
  • Apart from the 24*7 customer support team, the software also uploads useful and easy to follow tutorial videos through their website.

Brownie points for VerticleResponse

  • The software provides pretty good customer service to all their customers.

Brownie points for IContact

  • IContact offers a great advisory service that helps you chalk out your online marketing plans. This support makes it a pretty great choice for novice marketers and small businesses.
  • 24*7 customer service to help you out with any technical issues that you may face.

Overall comparison

After reviewing all three software on the most important point, here is what we found.


  • Awesome designing templates for novice as well as pro marketers.
  • Unique in-depth result analysis.
  • Impeccable customer support
  • Flexible and reasonable pricing plans


  • Pretty good designing support for novice marketers. However if you want to create your own layout, you may feel handicapped.
  • Great pricing plans for every kind of businesses.
  • Pretty good reach.


  • Limited but quality designing support for novice marketers and small businesses.
  • Great customer support, which makes it ideal for small businesses.
  • Great social media reach.
  • Affordable pricing plans

Final Verdict

If you are a small business then VerticleRespose or IContact should be your ideal choice. However,  VerticleResponse can be a little on the costlier side. Here IContact can be your preferred choice.

But, if you a big business and looking for a pro software for your email marketing, then GetResponse should be definitely be your preferred choice.