3 Digital Marketing Solutions for Small Businesses


3 Digital Marketing Solutions for Small Businesses

The landscape of business has changed over the last decade. The internet has effectively leveled the playing field for every type of industry imaginable. After investing capital in custom web design, small businesses are then tasked with the chore of getting their company noticed by customers. Since the internet is open twenty-four hours a day, every passing moment is a chance to make a sale, make an impression, or even win a new client. Three digital marketing solutions that businesses have begun to embrace are social media, search engine optimization, and advertising.
Social Media

Social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more, have provided small businesses the chance to make a huge impression. Companies are able to use social networking pages to interact with customers, share thoughts and ideas, and even promote the business. The great thing about social media websites is that users seek out the pages to stay in touch with what is going on with the business. As fans, friends, and followers start to interact and share the posts from the page, the business gains exposure to new faces and potentially new customers. The power of social media can transform a business, which is what makes it so popular.
Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a topic that receives a fair bit of discussion when it comes to digital marketing. On the most basic level, SEO is creating a web page that is engineered to rank better in search engines with regards to specific keywords. The catch is that since every search engine operates with a different algorithm, the entire process is much more complicated than it sounds. In the end, writing content focused on the business is generally the best path forward for companies, and utilizing the services of experienced SEO professionals as part of the design process is a great idea as well.


Advertising in the digital world can take many shapes and forms. Purchasing space on a popular website or blog that contains a banner ad that connects users directly to the page of business is one option. A second option is pay-per-click, or ppc, advertising that allows a company to purchase better search results for a given keyword. Since the business is only charged if a user clicks the ad or result, the chances of conversion are generally a bit higher than non-paid, or organic, search results. In either case, many companies opt to utilize the services of professional ad companies or web design companies to maximize results.
In the end, digital marketing for small business can take many shapes and forms. By steadily improving results and budgets over time, just about any organization can gain a firm following on the internet and use the power of the digital marketplace to improve sales. Once the website is built, the real work begins, and using marketing to drive customers to specific website is one proven way to really make the internet work in favor of small business.