15 Most Astonishing Websites Inspired by the Sun, Moon and the Stars.


Web designers always need to get inspired from somewhere or someone. Often it is something completely unusual, some place unexpected. But most generally the source of inspiration for most creators of websites is Mother Nature and all its small and big parts. I mean what can compare even close to the rising and the setting of the sun? The beams pushing through the waking skies at an early dawn in the magnificent silence of the whole wide world, the tired disk of the red sun slowly going down the horizon in the evening, when the nature is ready to rest after a tiresome day. And mysterious space with its cold moon and far away stars in the fathomless skies – only looking at it wakes all sorts of dreams and lets your fantasy travel long distances.


Below is yet another collection of the websites where the sun, the moon and the stars have been implemented into the web interface as the main focus. Enjoy the view and please feel free to add more links of similar websites in the comments down there.




Indofolio website design


F5 website design


Kirdan website design


Legenda website design

Julius Mattson

Julius Mattson website design

Wake Somebody Up

Wake Somebody Up website design


Glamping website design


ILFrutetto website design


Yodaa website design


SpaceOtechnologies website design

Bei Blog

Bei Blog website design

Emerging Earth Community

EmergingEarthCommunity website design

Larva Labs

LarvaLabs website design


CSSMENOW website design


Satellite website design