Online Advertising for Small business


There was a time when the biggest issue for any small business was to tell people about it, to make people aware about its existence first and then product/services it offers. This was the reason that despite good efforts and business tactics many failed due to lack of publicity. But then came the era of online publicity which we better known as online advertising. Today internet is one of the most successful sources of communication and the information about any new business can be delivered to a large number of users by a single click.

Apart from dedicated websites there are many users who charge minimal amount from you and they advertise about your business or product on their personal websites. This is a win-win situation for both consumers and business owners. Sitting at home, consumers can get all the information about the new products and are able to compare them too if we talk about different brands/ business already existing in the market. Owners provide contact information along with the product details and hence online advertising act as yellow pages for them. Email, phone numbers and location information published online sometimes becomes the primary source of contact for consumers.

When you have no big budgets for costly campaigns it is very economic and highly effective to advertise online. Proof of this is that when a survey was done 82% of small business says that the majority of their sales leads come from online advertising. Videos, audios, pictures, text online advertisements can be in any form. This mode is not only used by small budget businesses but is also widely used by big shots across the world. A person sitting in one continent can get the information about the business budding in another continent. Hence, online Advertising is quite productive mode of publicity which is done at very high speed at almost negligible cost.


Online Advertising for Small business - Infographic