General-Files.Com: A Unified File Searching and Sharing Option


If you generally spend time on internet for searching free stuffs and not getting appropriate result then this article is for you. Today we are elaborating General-Files sites’ features, which are awesome without any doubt. If you have not heard about “General World” then really you are wasting your time for search free mp3 songs, free movies etc. General World is the fastest growing file sharing network which simplifies your life in searching and sharing free files like songs, videos, movies, pictures etc.


general world for file sharing and downloading


In this article we will discuss two of the most famous sites of General World network – General-Files.Com (GF) and General-Catalog.Com (GC). GF supports file sharing and direct link services. Although there are many similar websites are available for file sharing or to download free music, movies or videos but most of them annoy with lots of advertisements and sponsor’s links. Unlike those sites GF is the most suitable place for downloading files from,,,,,, etc.


Functionality of GF is quite simple just enter the term which you want to search in the search text box, select the appropriate download category and hit the Enter. For example if you want to search Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol movie download then simply type this, select file type and/or size limit and you will get the most accurate result within seconds.


On other hand GC performs search in huge file sharing collection too but its mechanism is slightly different from GF. If you are looking for some TV series you have to go to TV shows directory of GC or better check the corresponding checkbox in the search options of the GC. So GC provides free download directory instead of single search file. GC is the best option if you are finding a file and want to get similar result as well. GC is a huge free software directory where you can find any software download without any cost.


One more feature more suitably software from General World is General Downloader which should be discussed for elaborating GW’s features. It’s a download engine which supports you to deal with file hosting services like, etc. which stuck you for at least one minute before downloading any file. If you compare it with the free rapidshare downloader you will find it more responsive and enhanced for your downloading needs. The GD actually imitates the actions of a typical Internet user who decided to download a file from General World.