Blogging in 2011: Infographic


Even Peter Merholz might not have known the starry future of blogs when he first coined the term in 1999. Humans crave to express themselves and online sharing of your experience is one of the most popular sources for it. In recent years the world has started showing keen interest in Blogs and Blogging. Blogs are easy to manage websites where content is presented in reverse chronological order. Bloggers have become the trend setters. Media, politics, social forums everywhere bloggers are spreading their voice. From individuals to organizations everyone is using blogs.


Bloggers write, travel, present and get networked. Blogging is a fabulous way to learn and to communicate with a global audience and is enlightening, inspiring and empowering.


Blogging continues to transform society and culture. Facebook, twitter and mobile internet have become integrated part of online communication. Survey shows that 70% of bloggers blog to share their experiences with others. Some of them use blogging to earn as well. Entrepreneur and corporates look to gain professional recognition and blogging help them to attract new clients to their business. Two of the popular ways of blogging in 2011 were “Series” and “collaboration. When Blogger write a series; they pick a topic, develop it and then loyal readers follow and look forward to new posts. Collaborated blogs are those where several bloggers joined their hands together and this collaboration is a very effective way to build a strong network.

Personal dairy was the first step in the long journey of blogs. Gradually it took its shape and gained popularity. Best part is that you don’t have to be a technical expert to participate in this huge game of networking. Future of blogging is bright. Sometimes it seems as it is at its peak but still it is just the beginning.


Blogging in 2011