5 Hacks To Increase Your Instagram Traffic


So you’ve started an Instagram account and want to have millions of followers rather than the seven that you currently have.  It seems simple enough, right?  All this talk of influencers and making money by just posting pictures on this photo platform is enough to get anyone excited.

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as only opening an account and deciding you want followers, however.  In order to drive traffic to your account, you’ll need to know the right hacks which lots of successful Instagrammers already do.

Here are some of the best hacks for building your audience and increasing your followers on your Instagram account.

 Schedule Your Posts

What a lot of Instagram newbies don’t know is that there are a lot of apps created for Instagram other than the app itself.  You can view who has followed and unfollowed you and what kind of traffic you’re currently at in which parts of the world.

Additionally, you can see which times of the day you’re likely to get the most likes and comments on your posts.  As a result, you can strategically post during these windows of time.  Since sometimes this may be when you’re at work, or even asleep in the middle of the night, you can schedule these posts to upload at the time of your choice automatically.

 Use The Right Hashtags

Hashtags are like road signs to get to the destination of what you’re looking for.  People who like cats search for cat hashtags, people who love travel search for travel hashtags, and so on.  Each post is allowed a certain limit of hashtags, and you should use them all!

The more hashtags that you use, the more visibility you’ll have to a broader audience.  Even though it may seem tedious having to input it each time, you can save your favorite hashtags and copy and paste to make it faster.

 Take Quality Photos

Instagram is a visually rich experience for the user.  People are drawn towards beautiful photographs which have good balance and composition.

If you’re a lousy photographer, then you may want to consider familiarizing yourself with the basics.  The more professional that your photos look, the more people will be drawn to follow you.

Be Vulnerable and Sincere

One trick which can be enormously successful is to be emotionally vulnerable.  Now and then post something which speaks directly from the heart.  Your audience will connect with you on a personal level rather than feel digitally disconnected.

Have a Giveaway

Offering a giveaway prize on your page by encouraging people to follow you and comment will increase your traffic significantly.  People love a good deal, so depending on what your brand is, you want to offer some kind of valuable incentive.