15 Effective Web Tips for Generating Traffic


Website traffic is one of the most essential aspects of a website, basically this is the result of the endeavors which have been conducted by the people who are behind the particular site. People write articles and fervently try to post quality content , but due to their lack of knowledge – they sometimes wont end up getting the sufficient amount of traffic they had predicted or deserve and it directly affects their earning, popularity, traffic and money which site owners were looking for.


Continual website traffic means how many people hit a particular site and most importantly : how much time people spend on that particular site. Website owners need to consider several methods in utilizing such, and from these tips and tricks they can attract an audience of every type. Bloggers Path considered the problem and conducted some research on certain methods, and after doing so, we amassed several tips and tricks which are beneficial and will help our users to drive more traffic onto their site. We would like to share our experience with our users and we hope it will serve to be effective towards your Blogging plight.


1. Promote article using social networking sites

Social Networks are the pinnacle of article promotions, these sites connect every single user within sharing info/content. These sites are popular and every single user utilizes such sites in quest of quality content. Users need to submit their articles on such sites in order to promote [share ] them across the web. There are a plethora of sites where users can promote their articles on sites such as : DIgg, Delicious, Stumble Upon, Twitter, Reddit and many more. These sites attract millions of visitors and its very beneficial to submit your articles on such sites, when one is maintaining a Blog.

2. Leave comments on popular blogs for Backlinks

The following tip can serve to be quite instrumental in generating back-links from other sites; Back Links are very important, as they basically serve to get a good Google Page Rank which always attracts clients. Page Rank helps to get the Buy-Sell Ads and affiliated marketing. Thus, when leaving comments on a particular site / blog, ensure that your feedback is positive, correlates with the topic, and makes an impact on other users.This is one way to gain a maximum amount of back-links from particular sites.

3. Answer User Questions on Yahoo Answer

Yahoo Answers
Another way to generate traffic to your site is by submitting or answering user related questions and issues submitted by users on sites like Yahoo Answers. By helping other users and offering them answers to their issues, you will gain more traffic and followers to your site/blog.

4. Advertise Websites in the appropriate category on Craigs List

This approach works slowly but steadily, however it can be very effective in attracting an ample amount of visits on a particular site. This site works as a Listings Directory, where people from all walks of life visit searching for appropriate content. Craigslist offers Classified Ads of varied genres and categories where people can submit articles, and a variety of other things they wish to sell or promote. Users can submit their site advertisement or banners on such kind of sites as well in order to gain a maximum no. of visits.

5. Submit blogs to the 100’s of Free Blog Directories

Blog Directory
Basically this can be considered as a SEO (search Engine Optimization) Tip. There are an innumerable amount of free blog directories available on the web, where users can submit their Blogs within the appropriate (niche) category by which to generate backlinks and traffic. Submitting a site in such kind of directories can be a process because there are several directories available, though this process can take some time the end result and its benefits are worth the efforts made, and will reward you with a substantial amount of backlinks and followers. Below we are listing several of these directories where our users can submit their articles and blogs.

  • Free Directory List
  • Directory Critic
  • Directory Submission

    6. Manually Submit Websites to Major Search Engines

    Most of one’s traffic comes from search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Msn, etc. These search engines provide fast and accurate results over any other engines, hence most users access these search engines for their queries. By submitting Blog sites to such engines one can increase their traffic flow as well.

    7. Keyword Optimization | for each page or search phrase

    Keyword Optimization
    Keyword optimization, meta tag and meta description is another term which is related to SEO, and is quite beneficial in generating good traffic. Users need to optimize each and every page of their site with SEO optimized keywords, meta tags and meta descriptions pertaining to their articles, since most searches are always conducted through keywords which users input into search engines allocating similar words or phrases. Thus, by incorporating this method, the possibility of a blog coming up on Google’s first few pages increases.

    8.Adding a Website Link in an E-mail Signature

    E-Mail Signature
    Adding a website link to email signature can serve as an added way in increasing site traffic. By including your Site URL into user E-mail replies and and contact- responses, you are basically enhancing your site traffic.

    9. Curtail the bounce rate

    Bounce Rate
    Giving the Related Post link beneath the article is yet another effective way in getting users to surf other posts and keep them on your site longer. Once a user has read your featured article they may become enthused to reading more Related Content, and thus site owners can curtail the bounce rate of the site by stopping people from jump from their site to unto other sites.

    10. Use Tell-A-Friend Form on a Website

    Tell A Friend
    The easiest and best way to boost site popularity is to have a Tell-A-Friend Form option on a website which will further increase site traffic and create a window of opportunity towards monetizing.

    11.Create Quality Content and Make it Viral

    Crazy Eddie
    Another misconception regarding Blog sites is that most users are mostly preoccupied and consumed with the overall site Design of their site, rather than what truly matters, and what is pertinent to having and maintaining a successful website is NOT Design but rather : CONTENT. Users will consider nor focus on your site Design if your content lacks in attracting user attention and a following. Content is king and SEO is Queen ! By producing quality content and incorporating the proper SEO methods you are in essence increasing the prominence of your site automatically, enabling its visibility on search engines across the web.

    12. Give Away Contests

    Users love Freebies and this is yet another sure shot way in attracting users to your site, By holding Give Away Contests site owners are not only generating more traffic to their websites, but are also ‘ Giving Back ‘ to the User community.

    13. Conduct and Publish Surveys on Websites

    Organizing surveys and quizzes which are based on some interesting and popular subjects can in essence attract a sufficient amount of visitors to ones site. Users often times require fun stimulating and entertaining games, quizzes, surveys, etc – therefore continue organizing some interesting surveys based on interesting topics which will end up generating and producing an increase in site traffic.

    14. Purchase Ads on other Websites

    Within any business venture or endeavor, one needs to take into consideration that in most cases in order to make money, one must sometimes invest money. By electing to purchase Ad space on more popular sites which have good Alexa, Google PR and a greater following, you are greatly increasing your own traffic flow and popularity which of course will end up rewarding you in the final analysis w a little patience.

    15. Sell or Place Classified Ads onE-Bay

    BuySell Adds
    E-Bay is one of the biggest and most popular online buying stores. A huge number of Internet users are aware of it, and site owners would benefit from investing in classified ads on E-Bay. This approach can affect buyers, and people from every walk of life to click on your ads whilst they are searching other products. Choosing to buy Ad space on E-Bay can end up being a soundproof method to utilize more traffic unto your website and is a worthwhile investment within acquiring greater visibility.