10 Facts to Know about the Periodic Table


The Modern Periodic table is the result of man’s need for arranging the elements known to us into a systematic and useful manner. Arranged on the basis of their atomic number, the periodic table has made it easier to group elements with similar characteristics and was even used to predict the discovery and properties of elements which had yet to be discovered at the time. Owing to the application of the periodic table, every child is introduced to the periodic table during their school years itself. Let us look at a few facts about the periodic table which will change your outlook on the periodic table.

  1. Why is it called the Periodic Table? We know how the elements are arranged in the form of rows and columns. The rows are also called as periods hence the name for the table“PeriodicTable”.
  2. Mostly Metals: A large portion of the periodic table is made up of metals. Almost 75% of the table is made up of metals.
  3. The Handler: The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) is responsible for the handling and maintaining of the Periodic Table.
  4. Lightest & Heaviest: The lightest element in the table is Hydrogen and the heaviest is uranium with an atomic weight of 238.
  5. Isotopes and Allotropes: There are several different forms of a single element represented as just one symbol in the Periodic table. Taking the example of Carbon, we know carbon has the allotropic forms which vary on the basis of atomic structure like graphite, diamond, and buckminsterfullerene. Carbon also has isotopes like Carbon 12, Carbon 13 and Carbon 14. All these forms of carbon are just represented with one entry C in the periodic table.
  6. Man Made Elements: With 118 confirmed elements in the periodic table as of now, 90 of those elements are found in nature and the rest 18 man-made elements. Technetium was the first of the man-made elements.
  7. State at room temperature: Of all the elements in the periodic table, there are only 2 elements, namely Bromine and Mercury, which exist as a liquid at room temperature.

Thus, we have seen a few new facts about the periodic table which will help you get a better understanding of the concept. For more information on the periodic table in detail and more check out this YouTube channel-