Simple Ways to Make Your Facebook More Secure


Prevention is better than cure. I think that you have recently heard that Facebook was attacked by hacker’s. Normally in your friend circle you heard that your friend’s facebook profile has been hacked. So IT may be next turn is yours so always make your facebook account protected and keep it on high security level. In this article I am putting some tips so that you can make your facebook account protected and keep it on high security level.


facebook security value


Enable HTTPS

Do you know that, when you go into a public place with your laptop, many local hot spots are not secure. One way to find out if they are secure or not, when you look on your address bar. Do you see “http://” or do you see “https://” When you see the “s” at the end of http, you can be more certain that there is a secure hot spot or Wi-Fi connection. So when you bookmark the URL for Facebook or any of your other social networks, be sure to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. This encrypts your communications.


Always Activate Text Message Notifications

In Facebook you receive text notifications whenever your account is accessed from a device other than your primary computer or mobile device. You can only choose email or text notifications. By choosing text notifications you not only get an immediate notice, but you also activate both your mobile device and your primary computer as approved access points. For this purpose you simply go to Account Settings and then to Security Settings to set-up the proper notifications to your mobile device.


Always have a Private and Public Email Address

For security purpose it is very necessary to have two different emails one as public and other one as a private email address. Do you know that anyone can search Facebook for an email address? For example, if you are looking a common name such as jolly, you only need to search with an email to find the right one.Supose your facebook account is hacked then by using your private email id you can get your password and can re access your account.


Review Permissions Granted to Third Party

Always check the permission granted to the third party (public) on your facebook account. Disable most of the permissions so that you can protect your account from the third person.


By registering your mobile number

The new system uses two-factor authentication, and offers an extra level of security over the basic settings. What the new option does is send an SMS message to a chosen mobile phone number each time a new and unauthorized computer tries to sign into your account. If the attempt is legitimate you can choose to allow access, but if not then you’ve just been alerted to a potential security breach.


Facebook Security


Whom you allow to become your friend

Once you have approved someone as your companion they will be able to accessibility any details about you (including photographs) that you have noticeable as readable by your buddies. You can eliminate buddies whenever they want should you convince you about someone.


Convert off alternatives, then begin them one by one

Think about how you want to use Facebook. If it’s only to keep touching individuals and be able to get in touch with them then maybe it’s better to shut down the features. It creates a lot of feeling to disable a choice until you have chosen you do want and need it, rather than begin with everything available.You should always select a password which is different from your mobile no, birth date; accounts no, any registration id, your name or any special person’s name. You should be a mixture of letters, digits and some special characters and your password should be case sensitive also. Its length should be minimum 15.


Enable location based log-in

there is new feature in Facebook that is location based login which allows user to login through his preferred locations or country you can enable this settings through Facebook settings option to make your Facebook account more secure.


Author’s bio

This guest post is written by Arsh Kapoor who is a technical writer and writes about technology. He has also written about various other topics like aieee results 2012 and free Google adwords coupon code