5 SEO Growth Hacks That Can Bring Exceptional Results


Everyone does SEO today but there is a difference between SEO and great SEO as the latter can get you traffic even without promotions. This is one strategy that is highly competitive and can be painfully slow but the fruits of labor are temptingly sweet. However, waiting to get your site climb to the top search rankings may take toll of your patience and resources. In any case, whether you are running a small business or a big brand, you would want results to show up fast. This is where embracing a growth hacking approach can help. Here are some SEO growth hacks that can bring exceptional results for your online outreach.

Strengthen the technical aspects of SEO

Even the best plan will not get you results unless you fortify the technical aspects of your site’s SEO. Start by improving the site architecture with elements such as Meta Tags, robot.txt files, and XML sitemaps well in place. You will not be able to get the website to rank unless Google is able to index it. Ensure that the site is responsive and excels in terms of performance too.

Focus on optimizing the customer journey

Another growth hack that can propel your website to the top of the search rankings is to optimize the customer journey on it. What really matters here is the navigational elements of your website. For instance, the placement of CTA buttons and page interlinking can give the customer an intuitive browsing experience. Similarly, the customer should get seamless experiences irrespective of the device they use.

Get your keywords right

Invest in proper keyword research to identify the ones that have the potential to take your site to the top. Having a professional team such as Submitcore can make all the difference as skilled SEO specialists can help you get your keywords right and have your site’s content optimized accordingly. Choosing the keywords wisely is important as you need to avoid ones that are too high or too low on competition.

Have content that is optimized and sustainable

Of course, your site must have content that is optimized with naturally placed keywords and long-tailed variations. But growth hacking involves investment in sustainable content that gets you quality backlinks through guest post. Tools, guides, research reports and resource pages come in this category. Also, have an on-site blog to capitalize on fresh content for your website.

Go an extra mile with voice search-friendly content

Now that technologies such as voice searches and Artificial Intelligence are coming to the forefront, you need to get extra smart with content. Creating content for just keywords is not enough; you have to strengthen your website with conversational content that answers search queries. This idea will definitely give your site an extra push as more users are getting inclined towards voice searches.

These SEO reseller growth hacks are a smart choice if you want to boost your business website within the shortest span of time. Certainly, you may need to get experts to help, but the rewards that these hacks will bring are worth all the efforts.