5 Must Have iPhone Social Apps


Social networking is now possible on your phone too, thanks to smart phone and the goodness of 3G. You can now post photos, tweet with friends and family, chat online, everything on the go. Here are few best iPhone social apps.

  1. StumbleUpon– This is a social bookmarking tool, where you can like and dislike the web pages. It makes the boring old internet awesome by only displaying stuff you like. You just have to tap the stumble button and you will be lost in the world of videos, photos and web pages personalized exclusively for you. The app is specially tailored for mobile use and offer the user everything that is needed. The app has a simple and user friendly interface with a menu bar at the bottom, where the user can like, share or dislike the subject material. It is a free app and can be downloaded at iTune


2. GroupMe– This app is everything about messaging in a basic way. With this app you can chat for free with a group of people or only one person. It is possible to connect with anyone, at anytime and anyplace. It is a private social network and aims at keeping contact with friends and family. You can start groups with people in your phone’s address back, so you do not have to remember their usernames. It uses your data connection to start the conversation instantly and when you signal is weak, you can receive messages through SMS. You can share photos online, make conference calls, post location updates etc. You have to just connect with the app once and you will get up to date information with push notifications, so you need not have to log in everyday.


3.Foursquare– It is a good location based information sharing app. With this app you can explore a place like a local, find great places on the go, share your location with friends and family, see where your friends are. Millions of people use foursquare to get recommendations for restaurants, bars, hotels, directions, menus, photos etc. Make hotel reservations right from the comfort of your phone with Foursquare, like or dislike places you have visited, leave reviews etc.


4.AIM– It is an instant messenger app from AOL, which is widely used around the world to send quick messages to friends. It is quick and good alternative to the SMS sent on the smart phone. It is the best way to keep in touch with the friends and family irrespective of their location. Use AIM app t share images, send voice messages, your location etc. you can get facebook, Instagram and AIM update in one easy to navigate window, you can comment and like Facebook and AIM posts from your app itself, use this app to post status on Facebook or tweets. With this app now you no longer have to pay for sending SMS, you just have to type the mobile number of the person you want to send message and start chatting right away. For instant access, favorite your friends and group chats.


5.Skype– This is one of the best and original internet based video calling services. With the front facing camera on iPhone video calls can be made easily. With Skype’s video calling abilities, you can call friends and family on the go. Over 250 million people use Skype every month, to make free voice and video calls. It is not just for making video and voice calls, you can send unlimited photos too, and you can call mobiles and land-lines for a very small amount. It works on 3G and Wi-Fi. Social Apps

